Code of Conduct
For the Observation of Seadragons in the Wild

Seadragons are so popular that they attract a lot of
attention, not all of it welcome.
As a consequence Dragon Search (SA) and its partner
organisations, in conjunction with the South Australian
Department for Environment & Heritage (Coast and
Marine Conservation Branch) and Primary Industries &
Resources SA (Marine Biosecurity Program) worked together
to produce a SCUBA diving Code of Conduct for the observation
of seadragons in the wild titled 'Diving with Dragons'.
There is a concern that without a diving protocol,
overly enthusiastic divers may have an adverse effect
on particular seadragon populations. Seadragons at dive
sites that have a high diver visitation rate are particularly
susceptible. This brochure below sets out a few simple
guidelines that divers can follow to reduce their impact
on these marvellous animals.
