Increased Protection for Western Blue Groper?The first CCSA Fish Forum (Wednesday, 12th November) looked at options for greater protection of the western blue groper, Achoerodus gouldii (see minutes). Additional information about blue groper and its conservation is provided below.
Large adult western blue groper are also a source of delight for divers, who regard them as being up there with other iconic species such as the leafy seadragon, Australian sea lion and giant cuttlefish, and therefore of much greater value under the water than above it.
Reports on the biology and conservation of Western Blue Groper Discussion paper by Dr Simon Bryars, DEH's Marine Ecologist, Threatened Species (PDF) The Western Blue Groper (Achoerodus gouldii), Fact Sheet #8, Protecting South Australia's Fish, Sharks and Rays, Conservation Council of SA (PDF) Western Australian Department of Fisheries Fact Sheet (PDF) Baker JL, 2008. Western Blue Groper, in Marine Species of Conservation Concern in South Australia: Volume 1 - Bony and Cartilaginous Fishes. Report for the South Australian Working Group for Marine Species of Conservation Concern. J. Baker (consultant); Science and Conservation Division, and Coast and Marine Conservation branches of SA Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH); Marine and Coastal Community Network of SA (MCCN), and Threatened Species Network (TSN). Shepherd SA and Brook J, 2007. Distribution and ontogenetic shifts in
habitat and abundance of the temperate western blue groper, Achoerodus
gouldii (Richardson), Journal of Fish Biology Shepherd SA, 2006. Ontogenetic changes in diet, feeding behaviour and
activity of the western blue groper, Achoerodus gouldii. Pp. 477-494 In
The Marine Fauna and Flora of Esperance, Western Australia Volume 2 (Proceedings
of the 12th International Marine Biology Workshop) (F.E. Wells, D.I. Walker
and G.A. Kendrick Eds) (Western Australian Museum, Perth). (See also the reports for individual surveys conducted by Dr Shepherd in conjunction with Reef Watch volunteers between 2002 and 2005 at Kangaroo Island, Yorke Peninsula, West Coast and Lower Eyre).
Coulson P, Hesp SA, Hall N & Potter I, 2009. The western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii), a protogynous hermaphroditic labrid with exceptional longevity, late maturity, slow growth, and both late maturation and sex change. Fishery Bulletin 107, pp. 57–75 (PDF). Johnson J, 1982. Blue groper - Situation Report. SAFIC Magazine
6 (February), pp. 26-28 (PDF). Correspondence and media from 20-30 years ago Scuba Divers Association of SA - letter to Director of Fisheries Recent correspondance between the Marine Life Society of SA (MLSSA) and Ministers Letter to Minister McEwen, June 2006 (PDF) Response from Minister McEwen, September 2006 (PDF) Letter to Ministers McEwen and Gago, May 2007 (PDF) Letter to Premier, August 2007 (PDF) Response from Premier, October 2007 (PDF) Letter to Minister McEwen, CC Minister Gago, September 2007 (PDF) Response from Minister McEwen, January 2008 (PDF) Response from Minister Gago, March 2008 (PDF) Letter to Minister Gago, May 2008 (PDF) Letter to Minister McEwen, February 2008 (PDF) Response from Minister McEwen, May 2008 (PDF) Letter to Minister McEwen, October 2008 (PDF) |